5 Benefits Of Being Good At Using Social Media

5 Benefits Of Being Good At Using Social Media

New research reveals the benefits of when children connect, share and learn online. As a parent, you can help nurture these positive aspects, recognize the importance of social media to your child, and help your child find ways to add real value to their lives. Here are some of the benefits of using social media well for children:

1. It strengthens friendship. Research shows that 52% of teens who use social media say it helps strengthen friendships, only 4% of teens say their friendships are hurt, and 29% of social network users feel that social networks make them more outgoing (only 5 % of users expressed the opposite feeling).

2. It provides a sense of belonging. A study by Australia's Griffith University and the University of Queensland found that while American teenagers now have fewer friends than their historical peers, they feel less lonely than before. They don't feel lonely and are more social, in part because of the use of technology.

3. It can provide real support. Online tolerance can help a marginalized child, whether he's interested in an unusual topic that isn't "cool" at all, or struggling with gender identity issues. Suicidal teens can even get high-quality online help. Once on a forum, users from an entire online community used voice-conferencing software to persuade a teen to give up on suicidal thoughts.

4. It helps children express themselves. Both producers and actors can meet the need for self-expression through social media. Digital technology allows children to share their work with a larger audience, and even collaborate with distant partners (a 21st century essential skill) if they are serious, social media can also provide feedback for children to hone themselves.

5. It enables children to do good deeds. Twitter, Facebook, and some other large social networks expose children to many important events and people from all over the world. Children are aware of the power of their voices, and they can do everything from fundraising for those in need to posting positive messages anonymously.

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