Understand yourself simply with eight questions-Flala APP

Understand yourself simply with eight questions-Flala APP

Many times what we know and understand about ourselves.
In fact, it is very hazy, and I prefer to subjectively express what kind of person I am.
If you have time, you can stop and ask yourself questions.
A deeper and more three-dimensional understanding of who I am.

1. What is the one thing you want to change about yourself?
This question is mainly to help understand how I see myself
This answer may be very concerned about the past
I can also know the future that I really want in my heart

2. What things make me feel happy?
The first is the ability to perceive happiness, whether it can be visualized
Secondly, I can judge the value orientation deep in my heart
Know what you want to pursue
Help find something you love and can continue to do

3. What were the best and worst times in your life?
help yourself to explore the past
help yourself feel the present
Our definition of good times determines the upper limit of psychological quality
The high probability of bad times we define is the lower limit of psychological quality
Answers to this question
Know Your Emotional Acceptance Boundaries

4. What if my parents don’t like or accept my him/her?
This question helps us understand our own independence
It is to believe in your ability to discriminate more and choose what you love
Or instinctively cling to parents or others
Under the psychological coercion of "I have to respect the people around me" and "I need to be blessed"
Sticking to my own choice doesn't mean disrespecting my parents
Sticking to my own choice doesn't mean I can't be happy

5. When I'm in a bad mood, do I like to be alone or find someone to comfort me?
Help determine if I am an introvert or an extrovert
Understand whether you are used to self-digestion or good at asking for help
There is no good or bad answer to this question
Just find the path that suits you to deal with your mood

6. Have I ever kept a diary?
People who like to keep diaries are relatively sensitive and rich in heart
It's also possible that the real appearance is a fake.
Records or conversations in a diary
High probability is the real self and self-demand

7. What is a book and a movie that I particularly like?
This question helps us recall feelings of immersion and love
When feeling that book, that movie
I must be full of heart
This question can also help you understand your own three views

8. What is the craziest thing I have ever done?
First of all, whether this thing is crazy enough is often relative
We don't have to compare ourselves to others and don't disdain our own madness
answer to this question
Can help us understand the boundaries of our past psychological comfort zone
Because behind the madness is often when we break the past
At the same time, you can also know where the upper and lower limits of your own limit breaking may be.

So how do you become a person who knows what you want?
Find a role model or idol. When you encounter every choice in your life, think about it, how would you choose your idol? Whatever you choose, it must be right.

Sartre said that people must have tendencies.
Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, clinical psychologist, and former professor of psychology at Harvard University. Jordan Peterson also mentioned in "The Twelve Rules of Life": A person must have precise goals, otherwise he will be drowned in the world Among the complexity.

After you have a goal, you will know what kind of person you are looking for, which can speed up the process of making friends. Come to Flala APP to make friends and interact together.

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